Sunday, November 9, 2008

List of Wedding Photos I Wanted

Wedding is the one in a lifetime event. Every moment of this day holds a very dear memory to us. Thus, we all want to capture everything that happens during our big day so we will always have something to look back, to talk and to remember one of the happiest, joyfulness, and most memorable moment of our life.

I, besides asking our photographer to take as many pictures of our day as possible, also made a list of all the scenes I wanted to keep and gave it to him before the event. At the end, he got about 80% of this list. I know it was a long list and I certainly did not expect him to remember all. Also, the weather on my wedding day was rather cold, and there was shower now and then so I did not have a heart to pose outdoor. Otherwise, I think I would would have some carefree, beautiful motion shots outdoor.

Anyway, from my experience, I think it's best that if you also have a photos list like I did, besides going through it with your photographer, (even show a sample picture if necessary) you should ask a family member or friend for help keeping track of this list too. This person is going to keep an eye on this list, kind of following the photographer the whole time to make sure he gets all the important moment in your list.

Here it is, my list: (I wanted color, black & white, portrait, and "motion" shots as well)

1. Behind-the scene shots at home, when the bride, groom & all the wedding party are getting ready with hair, make up, etc… and helping the bride with the dress and gown. (same with the groom and groomsmen)
2. Mom helping bride with one last detail, such as veil
3. Only the bride and: hand with engagement ring, bouquet, half and full body, from behind, checking herself out in the mirror, etc… and the groom is putting on the bow…
4. Formal shots with parents, sisters, family, bridesmaids, groommen, etc…
5. Groom and Bride, and everyone else are ready to go to the church
6. Candid shots of bride and groom, family, friends, guests before the ceremony, while waiting in front of the church
7. Family, wedding party walking down the aisle
8. Shots in-front and from behind the couple as walking down the aisle and during the ceremony
9. Wide shot of audience during ceremony
10. Moms and Dads and guests watching the ceremony.
11. Close-up shots of couple’s hands, esp. when reciting vows and exchange rings
12. Faces of couple when exchanging vows
13. The Kiss
14. Give bouquets to Moms
15. Couple proceeding up the aisle, guests’ smiling faces at their sides
16. Exiting the church with rose petal/bubble in the air…
17. Runaway bride, groom, and wedding party in a carefree attitude, toward and away from the camera
18. Only couple, hand in hand, walks off together, moving away from the camera toward a visually “limiless” background with lots of sky. (include turn around a little bit and then turn back, … )
19. Shots of couple getting to the car, drive away,…
20. Behind the scene shots of family and friends helping decorating the reception
21. The reception details: wide shot of the banquet room and close up shots of guest book, cake, glasses, knife and server, invitation and stationary, centerpiece, napkin and menu cards, etc…
22. Guests signing guest book, finding their escort envelope, …
23. Couple going toward the stage, with their sweetheart table, cake cutting, toasting, etc …
24. Buffet area and food
25. Bride and Groom dancing, wedding party dancing, kids playing, throwing bouquet, garter, …

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